Versions Compared


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  • Formatting was changed.

Lets begin by learning how to login to Drupal, then move onto the learning about how of the Drupal console works, and finally end with how Drupal publishing works.

1.1 Logging Into Drupal

You only need a web browser in order to use Drupal. You do not need to download or install any special software. Depending on your permissions, you will be able to access different sections of the website. All faculty and staff always have access their own Drupal profiles. Learn more about editing your Drupal profile. Access to other sections of the Swarthmore Access to specific websites and profiles on the Swarthmore College website are dependent on your individual user permissions.

  1. To login to Drupal, type into the web browser of your choice.

  2. Login using your network username and password credentials.

  3. After successfully logging in, you will be automatically redirected to your Drupal Account Information page.


Note: You’ll know that your logged into Drupal when you see your name and My Sites appear in a black menu bar appear at the top of the browser window that has your name.




How the Drupal Console Works

Clicking on your name will open a submenu below the black menu bar with a Log Out option. You can use this to logout of Drupal.




1 My Sites

Clicking My Sites will open a submenu below the black menu bar that has two options:

  1. View My Sites


  1. - list the websites that you currently have permission to edit.

  2. View My Profiles - lists all the profiles that you currently have permission to edit.






2 View My Sites

Clicking the View My Sites link will list all the websites that you currently have permission to edit. It will also indicate if the website is currently published. By clicking on one of the sites listed, you will be taken directly there to the website and can begin editing the site. Learn more about editing websites


  1. Websites - is currently selected .Allows as the active label/tab

  2. Search - allows you to search your the list of websites

  3. Displays the site(s) that you have have access to edit. Clicking the name website will take you directly to the site. The list will also indicate if the website is published or not.


Note: You must complete Drupal training before being given editing access to a website. Any questions about user permissions for websites can be sent to:




View My Profiles

View My Profiles will list all the Drupal profiles that you have permission to edit. It will also indicate if the profile is currently published. By clicking on one of the names listed, you will be taken directly there and can begin editing the Drupal profile information.


  1. View My Profiles is currently selected.

  2. Allows you to search the list of profiles.

  3. Displays the profile(s) that you have access to edit. Clicking the name will take you directly to the profile. The list will also indicate if the profile is published or not.


Note: most Drupal editors will only have access to their own profile so only one profile will be displayed.


1.2.4 Toggle Contextual Links & Toggle Menu Bar Orientation




Located in the upper right corner of the Drupal menu bar is blue button labelled Toggle Contextual Links. When enabled, the Drupal editor will display a series of pencil icons next to every section or component that can be edited. This allows editors to conveniently edit content anywhere on the page without having to use the menu bar.






6 Toggle Menu Bar Orientation

Located in the upper right corner of the Drupal menu bar is an arrow icon. This will switch the Drupal menu functions from appearing as horizontal bar across the top of the browser to a vertical left column. Switching the arrow in the vertical layout will change the view back to the horizontal layout.


Menu Bar - Vertical Orientation




3 Published | Draft | Unpublished

Every webpage in the Drupal CMS can have a Published version and a Draft Version, OR be set as Unpublished.

  • Published - The published version of the page is what the public sees when they visit the page’s URL.

  • Draft - This is working copy (or DRAFT) of a webpage that can only be viewed and accessed by Drupal editors. This is the version that you and your team would work on when making changes to a page. Once the page is ready and/or has been approved for publication, you would change the state from Draft to Publish to make it become the published version.

  • Unpublished - If you no longer wish a page to be available to the public, then you can change the state to unpublished. Unpublished does not mean delete. The page still exists in the Drupal system and can be restored (or published) again by your group. You can think of it as your computer’s recycle bin or trash bin as those files can be recovered. If anyone from the public goes to an unpublished page, they will get a “404 Page Not Found” error message

  • Unpublish does not mean Delete. If you want a page to be permanently DELETED, then you must contact the web team and they’ll permanently remove it from the system.

  • Never unpublish your homepage.

  • Avoid unpublishing pages that have subpages or dependencies.



1 How Publishing Works

All Drupal publishing is managed in the editor’s right column.
