Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

The following section is about including documents on your website.


NOTE: It is recommended that you use the PDF format when adding including documents to the website. Other document types ( such as .docs, .ppt, .xls ) can sometimes cause display and accessibility issues that make the file inaccessible to some viewers.

7.1) PDFs vs Web Pages


NOTE: Before adding PDFs to your website, you first need to determine if content would be better served as an actual webpage rather than as a PDF.

While simply converting your source files (Google docs or Word docs) to PDFS can be a convenient way to share information online, it is not always the best option for several reasons:

  1. PDFs frequently present accessibility issues if not formatted correctly. This makes the PDF unreadable to people using screen readers. Departments that share PDFs online are responsible for ensuring the the file meets all of Swarthmore’s accessibility standards. Inaccessible PDFs are subject to removal.

  2. PDFs are harder to update than an HTML page. Updating a PDF involves multiple steps including fixing the original issue in the source file, re-running an accessibility check, re-uploading the PDF, and then updating the link(s) that point to the new file. Updating a webpage has none of these issues.

  3. Old PDFs with will still often appear in search results. This can become problematic when multiple versions of a document from previous years appear in a user’s search results. A published webpage would only has ONLY have the CURRENT current version.

Should When should your content be a PDF or a webpage? The answer depends on several factors:

  1. If the document intended specifically to be printed out (i.e. like an application form)? If yes, then a PDF.

  2. Does the document have highly precise formatting that needs to be maintained? If yes, then a PDF.


Correcting any accessibility issues is the responsibility of the department that created the document. Inaccessible documents are subject to removal.


  • Drupal - PDFs can be uploaded directly into the Drupal.
    PROS: Quick and easy to use. Will appear in Google search results.
    CONS: Drupal provides users only with a single folder for hosting documents folder. Organizing content into Creating sub-folders is not possible. Drupal does not offer any access/permissions settings (unlike Google Drive).


NOTE: Because all Drupal documents are located in a single folder, it is important that you pay close attention to how you name your files as file management ‘best practices’ will be essential in helping keep yourself organized.

  • Google Drive - Documents can also be uploaded in your department’s Google Drive Folder. Every department has a Google Drive folder (setup by ITS) that you can also use to share documents on your website.
    PROS: Google Drive allows you create as many sub-folders as you wish to help you organize your content as needed. You can also use Google Drive’s built-in permissions settings to control access to files or folders such as making the PDF on your website only accessible to “Swarthmore-only” users.
    CONS: Requires that you login to Google Drive (an extra step), upload the PDF to the folder and create a Share link.

7.4) Uploading a Document to Drupal

  1. Highlight the text that you wish to be a link to the document. Be sure to indicate include the file type by using the appending [pdf] convention used onlineto the end of the link. This lets users know they are linking to a document and not to another webpage.

  2. Click the LINK icon in the upper right corner.


  1. A new window will appear called “Link to a document”. At the top you choose to upload a new document or choose a document that has been previously uploaded into the website’s documents folder.

  2. Select the appropriate document from the list using the radio button to the left.

  3. Then click the Select Document button located in the lower left corner.


  1. You will be returned to previous window. Click the Advanced arrow to expand the advanced options.

  2. Toggle the the “Open in new window” so that it is active/green.

  3. Click the green check mark to save your changes.


  1. The text that you originally highlighted will now appear as red and underlined (indicating that it is a link).

  2. Save the page in DRAFT mode and then check your work.



NOTE: You cannot actually test the link from the editor console. You must first save the page (in Draft mode) or (in Published mode) and test from there. Clicking on the link from within the editor is only open an editing window to allow you to change or remove the link.


7.5) Uploading a Document to Google Drive

This section is currently under developmentLearn more about Google Drive by visiting: Sharing a File from Google Drive

  1. Once you’ve followed the steps to upload your document to Google dive, then highlight the text that you wish to be a link to the document. Be sure to include the file type by appending [pdf] to the end of the link. This lets users know they are linking to a document and not to another webpage.

  2. Click the LINK icon in the upper right corner.


  1. A new window will appear next to the text that you originally highlighted. Add the Google share link generated by Google Drive to the Link URL field.


  1. Click the Advanced tab and Toggle the the “Open in new window” selector so that it is active/green. This will make the link open in a new browser tab.