Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Course settings allow you to set general preferences for your Moodle course.  The default settings are fine for most courses.  You'll use this primarily to select the course format and to make the course visible to participants.  Every Moodle course is organized into sections of information in the center of the page.  The left area is for a course index and the right is for blocks that add features to the class.  The top section is a header area. 


To add more sections (whether topics or weeks) in the course, turn editing on, scroll down to the last section, and click Add Section (or Add Week). To see step-by-step instructions go to Adding More Section Topics or Weeks in Moodle.


For Fall 2024, some courses may not display the weekly format properly. If you have turned on “Weekly Sections” per the instructions above and your sections are still labeled as “Topic 1”, “Topic 2,” etc. or with dates from a previous semester, follow the procedure below to get the correct dates to show up.

  1. Turn editing on

  2. Click on the pencil icon to the right of the section name

  3. Type the Backspace or Delete key

  4. Type the Enter key

  5. Repeat for each affected section