What do I need to do prior to June 30th?
Back up or transfer files stored on Swarthmore servers
- Moodle accounts will be deleted. All posts, discussion board posts, and attachments you added to Moodle will be permanently deleted from Moodle courses and organizations. If you wish to save any materials from Moodle please copy them to a personal storage device or cloud location.
Swarthmore maintains many services that may store student data such as RStudio Server and github.swarthmore.edu. In addition, Swarthmore provides access to cloud services such as MATLAB Online, Microsoft OneDrive, and EndNote Web. Download any needed data before graduation.
If you have files saved in Adobe Document Cloud, you will also need to download those files before your Swarthmore account is deactivated.
- Go to documentcloud.adobe.com > choose Continue with Google, and sign in with your Swarthmore email address.
- Select the file(s) you wish to download and then click Download. Follow the prompts to save the file(s) your local computer or network drive.
- Student files on the video editing workstations in Beardsley will be deleted shortly after final exams. Save a copy to a personal storage device, DVD, or cloud location.
- Transfer your website from Domain of One's Own.
- Download (print) paystubs in mySwarthmore. After your Swarthmore account is disabled, get them from ADP. For more information, go to https://www.swarthmore.edu/payroll/2023-w2-tax-forms.