ITS sponsors the "Teaching with Tablets" program to provide professors an opportunity to explore the academic use of tablets.  The program provides faculty with devices such as iPads, Microsoft Surface devices, and reMarkable tablets along with useful apps, training, and workshops to hear how other professors are successfully using their tablets for classes.

iPad Pro for Teaching and Learning - description of the program

Get in touch with your Academic Technologist to learn more about the program.

More information about teaching with a tablet

iPad Pro Information - list of recommended apps for teaching.

Use Jamf Self Service to install College supported apps

Grading Moodle Assignments with the Notability App

Eric Jensen’s Electronic Grading Workflow

Teaching with OneNote

Faculty highlights

iPads and Mobile Teaching Technologies in the Classroom (Modern Languages, Literature)

Faculty Spotlight: Silvia Porello on Teaching and Learning with Microsoft Surface Pro (Chemistry)

Faculty Spotlight: Kathryn Riley on Teaching and Learning with the iPad Pro (Chemistry)