
Firebird offers several software packages, both open-source and licensed. Access to many packages is controlled through modules: in order to use a particular software package, users must first load the appropriate module, which updates the user’s PATH and other environment variables to ensure the software works as expected.

List Available Modules

To see a list of available software modules:

module avail

Load a Software Module

To load a particular module:

module load mathematica/14

Note that because Firebird is a shared system, some software may be licensed only for one institution. For example, Stata is licensed differently for Swarthmore:

module avail stata ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /opt/modulefiles ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- stata/18-laf stata/18-swat (D)

Make sure to load the module for your institution.

View Loaded Modules

To see a list of currently loaded modules in your environment:

Unload or Purge Modules

To unload a specific module:

To unload all loaded modules:

Specific Software Packages

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