Running Amber and AmberTools on Firebird

Amber and AmberTools are a set of programs related to molecular dynamics.


To run programs within the Amber or AmberTools suite, load the modulefile:

module load amber/24

If you wish to use GPU-accelerated versions of programs, you must run your job on a GPU node and also must load the CUDA modulefile:

module load cuda/12.4-0

If you wish to use MPI or OpenMP versions of programs, you must load an appropriate modulefile:

module load openmpi/4.1.6-gcc-11.4.1 ## For OpenMPI module load mvapich2/2.3.7-1-gcc-11.4.1 ## For mvapich2 module load mpich/4.2.0-gcc-11.4.1 ## For mpich

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