iPad JAMF Self Enrollment

iPad JAMF Self Enrollment

If you have an older College-owned iPad, you may need to manually download Jamf Self Service onto your device. Please follow the instructions below to get you set up with the Self Service app so you can install College-owned apps.

  1. On your iPad go to swarthmore.jamfcloud.com/enroll

screenshot of Jamf login screen
  1. Sign in to this Google Doc for the username and password.

  2. Leave the "Assign to user" field blank and follow the prompts to download the CA Certificate and MDM Profile. 

screenshot of assign to user question left blank
  1. Open the Settings app to install the CA Certificate and MDM Profile after they are downloaded

  1. When you see the "enrollment process is complete" screen, rename the iPad to be the same as the serial number. You'll find the serial number in Settings → General → About.

  2. Send the serial number to support@swarthmore.edu.

  1. Click "Install" on the app installation screen when it comes up to install the Self Service App


Ways you can contact ITS or find information:

ITS Support Portal: https://support.swarthmore.edu
Email: support@swarthmore.edu
Phone: x4357 (HELP) or 610-328-8513
Check out our remote resources at https://swatkb.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/remote/overview
Check our homepage at https://swarthmore.edu/its