Call to Action Component

The Call to Action (CTA) component inserts a bit of lead text and accompanying button that is designed to capture the user’s attention and drive traffic to another part of the site. The Call to Action component can be inserted in any of the main page regions. 


  1. Title (required, not displayed)

  2. CTA Lead Text

  3. CTA Link

  4. CTA Style (required)

    1. Options: Double Border (lead text + link), Minimal (lead text + link, default), Big Button (only link, doesn’t display lead text)

Diagram demonstrating the elements of the Call to Action component


Step-by-step Instructions

  1. Provide a Title for the component. Note: This is used for internal purposes only and is not displayed to visitors.

  2. Enter the CTA Lead Text for your call to action (limited to 115 characters). This message should lead users to click the accompanying button (if using a design that contains both the lead text and the button).  

  3. Add a CTA Link that links to some other part of your site. You can search for the internal link by typing in the title of your page in the Link field, though you will want to update the automatically generated text in the Link text field.

  4. Select the CTA Style for your component. There are three options: Double Border, Minimal, and Big Button. See the interactive example above. Note: "Big Button" will only display the CTA Link field; the teaser will not be displayed.

  5. Click Save to create or edit your component.

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