Lead Component
The Lead component is useful for pull quotes or highlighting other important text. Optionally, a Call to Action Link can be used to guide visitors towards related content.
Title (required, not displayed)
Call to Action Link
Step-by-step Instructions
Provide a Title for the Lead. Note: This is used for internal purposes only and is not displayed to visitors.
Provide the Abstract that will be presented as a Lead component.
Optionally, provide a Call to Action Link in order to drive traffic to related content.
Related content
Ways you can contact ITS or find information:
ITS Support Portal: https://support.swarthmore.edu
Email: support@swarthmore.edu
Phone: x4357 (HELP) or 610-328-8513
Check out our remote resources at https://swatkb.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/remote/overview
Check our homepage at https://swarthmore.edu/its