Primary Images

  1. Make sure you've logged in to Drupal.

  2. Navigate to the page you intend to update.

  3. Locate the editing tabs above the page content, and click New Draft.

  4. Find and click the blue bar labeled Image, Slideshow and Video to expand options.

  5. Once expanded you will find options to add a Primary ImageExpand the Primary Image bar to reveal additional options:

    1. Upload tab - Use the Browse button to upload a file from your computer.

      1. Select an image and click OK.

      2. Click Upload.

    2. File Browser tab Browse the server for a previously uploaded image.

  6. IMPORTANT: Provide Alternative Text, a succinct description of the information contained in the image. This is primarily to ensure that the site is accessible to all visitors. For a thorough description of Alternative Text and it's usage, visit this WebAim article.

  7. Choose the Image Alignment from the dropdown:

    1. Centered Above Content

    2. Floating Right

    3. Floating Left

  8. Add a Caption. Optional. Note: Captions should be no more than 250 characters and ideally, closer to 125 characters.

  9. Drupal automatically creates a Thumbnail Image. The thumbnail is used primarily in RSS feeds. It is possible to replace this thumbnail with your own.

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