Restricting access to Swarthmore only


  1. Open the doc in Google Drive.

  2. Click the blue "Share" button in the upper-righthand corner of the page.

  3. From there, find “General Access” in the lower-lefthand corner and select the downward arrow.

    A screenshot of the Sharing window in Google Docs, with a red arrow pointing at the dropdown button under ''General Access''


  4. Within the resulting dropdown window, you should see multiple options for access status.

  5. To limit access to Swarthmore users only, choose "". When the link is clicked on from the web page it will prompt the user to log in using their Swarthmore credentials.

    A screenshot of the access dropdown menu in the ''Sharing'' window, with the '''' option highlighted
  6. Choose “Copy link” to add it to your clipboard. Then, click "Done" to save your changes.


To restrict forms to Swarthmore only:

  • Open your form and select “Settings” from the menu above your title.

  • Make sure "Restrict to users in…" is checked.




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