Create a Questionnaire Template
Set up a questionnaire as a template for other instructors and courses
It is possible to copy a questionnaire from another course or previous semester by setting up the original questionnaire as a "template."
To create a questionnaire template, go to the original course, click on questionnaire, then click on Advanced Settings, and set the Questionnaire Type to Template. Scroll down to select Save and display.
Once your questionnaire is set to be a "Template" any other instructor at Swarthmore can use it as a template and edit it for their new courses.
After creating the questionnaire template, other instructors will be able to go to their courses, add a new questionnaire, and select the original questionnaire template from the Content Options → Use template section.
If you only want to copy questionnaires for your own courses, we suggest that you switch the original questionnaire back to Private after you have copied it to your new course so other faculty don't see your questionnaire template. This also helps to keep the list of survey templates from growing too long.
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