Making a course available to students

Making a course available to students

Making a course available to students

By default, courses are not available to students. Courses that are available to students are listed in red and courses that are not available to students are listed in grey in your course listing. To make a course available, go to Settings Tab (under the course title).  

Find Settings Tab
Find Settings Tab

In the top section labeled General, switch Course Visibility to "Show".

Moodle Guests versus Moodle Users

All Swarthmore community members (employees and students taking courses at Swarthmore – including Tri-Co students, UPenn students, and high school students) are Moodle users.  In some cases, an instructor would like to grant someone without a Moodle user account access to a course.  If the person needs to see the content of the course, but does not need to have a unique identity in the class (i.e. does not need to submit papers, have a gradebook entry, or post to forums) then the best way to allow the person/people to access the course is through Guest Access.  See below for enabling Guest Access in Moodle.  On the other hand, if the outside person will need to have editing rights to the course or will need a gradebook entry or will need to post to a forum under his/her own name, then the person will need a Swarthmore account.  To get a Swarthmore account, request a sponsored account from the ITS Service Portal.

Making a course available to guests

See the help page on Making a course available to guests

Ways you can contact ITS or find information:

ITS Support Portal: https://support.swarthmore.edu
Email: support@swarthmore.edu
Phone: x4357 (HELP) or 610-328-8513
Check out our remote resources at https://swatkb.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/remote/overview
Check our homepage at https://swarthmore.edu/its