Limiting WeBWorK Emails
Students can send emails to their professor within a WeBWorK problem. The default setting is to email any member of the WeBWorK course that is at or above a TA level, including all professors and admins. We've set up WeBWorK so that some members of the Math/Stat and ITS departments are administrators and can assist with management of the course. If a student emails a question, the email goes to the professor and all the administrators of WeBWorK. To limit the recipients of these emails, adjust the settings per the instructions below.
Log into your WeBWorK course.
Click Course Configuration (left menu) → E-mail tab
Change Permission levels for receiving feedback email to the desired roles.
If desired, set Additional addresses for receiving feedback email to a specific email address. If you want the email to go to several people, separate the email addresses by commas.
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