Add a link to RedShelf Textbooks
RedShelf is an ebook service. The college bookstore coordinates with RedShelf to make ebooks available to specific classes. Once the bookstore has made arrangements with RedShelf, a link to RedShelf must be added to the Moodle course to allow students to purchase or rent the book.
Go to your Moodle course, turn Edit mode on
Select "Add an activity or resource" in the top block of your Moodle course
Select "RedShelf" and click "Add"
Provide a name. Example: "RedShelf eTextbooks"
Click "Save and Return to Course"
A RedShelf link will appear in the course. Clicking on the link will take you to a page with the RedShelf textbooks available to the class (and any other classes with available books).
If you do not see your textbook, check with the bookstore to make sure your class and textbook have been set up properly with RedShelf. If so, contact for more help.
Ways you can contact ITS or find information:
ITS Support Portal:
Phone: x4357 (HELP) or 610-328-8513
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