Copying a course from a previous semester

Copying a course from a previous semester

You can select to import all or any parts of a course on the Moodle site for which you are a teacher.

  1. Navigate to the new course.

  2. Go to the More tab (under the course title) → Course reuse.

    Find More Tab
    Find More Tab
  3. Verify Import is selected

    screenshot of Moodle course reuse select box
  1. Select or search for the course you want to import material from → scroll down to click Continue.

  2. Select all activities, blocks, and filters you would like to import. It can be all the items or only selected resources.  

  3. Click Next to verify your settings and then perform the import.


Unless you have important announcements which you would like to import, unselect any "Announcements" or "News Forum" items because all new courses already have one and you will end up with multiple Announcement activities.

It can take several minutes to import a course, especially if the original course has a large amount of material. In some cases you may receive a time-out error. Before trying to re-import, check the new course and see if the process completed. If you run into any problems, please contact support@swarthmore.edu.

Updating the dates for a copied course

See Updating the assignment due dates for a new semester

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