Record your name pronunciation in Moodle
Recording your name
Recording how to pronounce your name will make it easier for professors and students to learn how to say your name. To start, log into Moodle.
Click on your name (top right) and select Profile
Under User details, select Edit profile
In the Description section, select the microphone icon and record your name
Select Attach recording
Go to the bottom of the page and select Update profile
To update the pronunciation, edit the Description section. Delete the original recording and make a new recording.
Some versions of the Safari web browser may not properly display the audio recording button. If you don't see the microphone icon, try again using the Chrome, Firefox, or Opera browser.
Listening to others' name pronunciations
Recordings are only available for people that have submitted a pronunciation. Not all people have recorded their name in Moodle.
To hear how to pronounce other peoples' names in Moodle:
In your Moodle course, select Participants from the left-hand navigation column
Click on a name
Play the audio located under their name and photo
Faculty Services
For professors, student name pronunciations are available in Faculty Services in the following locations:
Each student’s individual record
Course rosters
Class photo list (linked from course roster page)
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