GitHub Enterprise
Description | Software version control system |
Access | Everyone |
General GitHub Enterprise Information
GitHub Enterprise is a collaborative tool for managing, reviewing, and sharing code. At its core, GitHub is a repository for files and projects that are being managed with Git, a command-line version control system.
In addition to managing code, GitHub Enterprise is capable of tracking changes made to many different filetypes including Word documents, SVG files, and more.
GitHub Enterprise Features:
Track and manage changes to code and other files
Track issues and bugs
Unlimited private repositories
Manage multiple projects, organizations, & teams
Who has access to GitHub Enterprise?
Faculty and students
Log in using your Swarthmore username and password at
Tri-Co Students, Strath Haven Students, and other students enrolled in courses at Swarthmore
All students taking classes at Swarthmore receive a Swarthmore username and password that can be used to log into Swarthmore's GitHub Enterprise. After registering for a course, non-Swarthmore students receive an email with their username and instructions on how to set up their password.
Outside Collaborators
Only users with Swarthmore network accounts may access GitHub Enterprise. If you're working on a project with collaborators who are outside of the College, consider creating an account at the public, or contact a member of Academic Technologies to discuss additional options.
GitHub Desktop Client
Although GitHub Enterprise is accessible via the web at, you may wish to use the Desktop application for Windows or Mac. Installation and configuration instructions are available at Github's Installing and configuring GitHub Desktop page.
GitHub from the Command Line / Terminal
In order to push commits to your GitHub repositories from the command line or terminal, you'll need to first set up an SSH key. Please follow the instructions linked below.
Generating SSH Keys for GitHub Enterprise
Ways you can contact ITS or find information:
ITS Support Portal:
Phone: x4357 (HELP) or 610-328-8513
Check out our remote resources at
Check our homepage at