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Eduroam for Faculty, Staff, and Students

Table of Contents

Swarthmore has three Wi-Fi networks.  Follow the links below for instructions to connect to the appropriate network.  

eduroam for Swarthmore, Haverford, Bryn Mawr, and other eduroam institutions

Eduroam should be used by current members of Swarthmore, Haverford, and Bryn Mawr Colleges, as well as other eduroam-enabled institutions. The College's authenticated wireless network for Swarthmore college members (including those taking classes at Swarthmore) allows access to network resources and printers. The network provides a high level of security using WPA2 authentication using WPA2 authentication and AES encryption. Please follow the connection instructions below to get started.

** Some devices, such as gaming systems and eReaders, do not support WPA2-Enterprise authentication. These devices will need to be registered for SwatDevice. Scroll down for more information about registering for SwatDevice. **

Eduroam for Swarthmore/Trico members and other participating institutions

Trico members at Swarthmore, and other participating members (from eduroam enabled institutions), should use the eduroam network

  1. Connect to the eduroam wifi network
  2. When prompted, authenticate with your home institution username (including the @institution portion), e.g.
  3. Enter your home institution password
  4. Android devices, need manual setup and Phase 2 Authentication - choose MSCHAPV2
  5. Swarthmore College members will also need to register their device - see the full eduroam connection directions below for more information.

SwatGuest for Guests

Visitors who do not have a College UserID and are not from an eduroam-enabled institution may use the wireless network called SwatGuest. Guests can use our self-service process to sign up for a temporary account. These accounts are good for four days.


Faculty, staff, students, and Trico members with a email address use the following 3-step process to set up a wireless connection. Follow these steps for Chromebooks, OS XList of eduroam enabled institutions



Follow these steps for macOS, Windows, Ubuntu computers,


and iOS


-based phones and tablets.


Android-based phones and tablets

 need an

, and Chromebooks need additional configuration


steps. Other versions of Linux are not supported on our wireless network.

Connect to eduroam

These instructions will work for most devices however if you have an Android device, please reference the directions listed under the section titled Android Device

If you have previously connected to eduroam with credentials from another institution and are having trouble connecting to eduroam at Swarthmore - try removing your old eduroam profile (or choose to "forget" eduroam) and log back in using your Swarthmore credentials.

eduroam Connection Instructions

MultiExcerptNameeduroam connect
  1. Connect to the eduroam Wi-Fi network

  2. For username, enter your full email address


  1. (e.g.




  1. Enter your home institution password


  1. For Android devices and Chromebooks: follow these configuration instructions

  2. Accept/trust the security certificate if prompted, and follow any instructions to launch the registration webpage


  1. (see Register your Computer below)

    1. You can review the certificate and verify that it is the correct one by comparing with the following fingerprints (not case sensitive), as of December 2024:

      1. SHA1 fingerprint:  d6:4b:c6:e3:93:26:9b:4c:63:26:5f:4a:15:e8:29:e4:42:1b:d1:f5 or

      2. SHA256 fingerprint: 30:8D:C8:71:77:4B:6A:E1:76:4A:C4:F4:09:C3:71:3D:BE:76:92:F6:08:BA:92:88:5B:F4:01:4C:50:69:B3:C2

Register your Computer


MultiExcerptNameRegister SafeConnect

Computers running Windows and macOS operating systems will have to install software at this stage. The software is an agent from SafeConnect that runs in the background called Policy Key. (The Policy Key software is not required for Android, IOS, and Linux computers.) A few moments after you first connect to eduroam, a web page should open with the Swarthmore network registration process - if not, open up a web browser


and go to any off-campus webpage (e.g., which will redirect you to the registration page. Enter


your Swarthmore


username (leave off and password, then download and


install SafeConnect


to install the Policy Key. If prompted, install


anti-virus - an up-to-date and fully functional


anti-virus is required to obtain access to the network.

After installing the required software, it may take up to three minutes for your network connection to reconfigure. When it does, you should be online! If it does not automatically redirect you to


the Swarthmore


home page, open up a new tab or window, and try to go to your off-campus webpage again (e.g. or, etc.).

Android Device Configuration

Android and ChromeOS devices need to be manually configured, and require an extra step (Phase 2 Authentication). Follow the instructions below - , and only fill in the following fields , and - leave everything else set to the defaults (no need to change them):

Android: Most Common Instructions

NOTE: If Phase 2 Authentication is not one of the visible fields, skip down to the Android: Alternate Instructions listed below.

When you


attempt to connect to eduroam for the first time, ensure that the below options are configured. Leave all other options blank or with their default choices


  1. For EAP (before Phase 2 Authentication), choose PEAP

  2. Phase 2 Authentication - choose MSCHAPV2


  1. CA Certificate - choose Do Not validate

  2. Online Certificate Status - choose Do not verify (or system certificates or Unspecified

  3. Domain - enter (if domain is requested)

  4. Identity - enter your Swarthmore email address

  5. Password - enter your 


  1. Swarthmore password

  2. Click Connect


  1. . If prompted to install a certificate, allow installation.

Registering Devices for SwatDevice

Some devices, such as gaming systems and eReaders, do not support WPA2-Enterprise authentication. These devices will need to be registered for SwatDevice. Only devices NOT capable of WPA2-Enterprise will be allowed on SwatDevice. To register a device for SwatDevice, you will need the device's MAC address. Instructions for finding the MAC address of many common devices can be found on the ITS Gaming and Other Devices webpage.

  1. Check if device supports WPA2-Enterprise - this can usually be found in the device's documentation or manufacturer's website. Below is a list of devices known NOT to support WPA2-Enterprise
    • WPA2-Enterprise requires ability to enter unique user name and password
  2. Get the device's WiFi MAC address - directions can be found on the ITS Gaming and Other Devices webpage
  3. Contact the ITS Help Desk and request device registration - include type of device and the MAC address
  4. Wait for email confirmation that your device has been registered - depending on how busy the Network Team is, this may take a few days

Some Devices known NOT to support WPA2-Enterprise:

  • Kindle eReaders
  • Xbox 360 S or Xbox wireless networking adapter
  • Sony Playstation 3 and Sony PSP
  • Nintendo Wii, Wii U, DS, DSi, 3DS, Switch
  • Apple TV 1st and 2nd Generation
  • Nook v1.5
  • Roku HD/XD/XDS Streaming Player
  • TiVo Wireless Network Adapter
  • Google's devices


Android: Alternate Instructions (includes some Samsung Galaxy devices)

  1. Under Advanced at the bottom of the eduroam wireless configuration options, configure:

    • Make sure EAP is set to PEAP

    • Phase 2 Authentication - choose MSCHAPV2

  2. Click Save

  3. On the main configuration screen, configure:

    • Certificates - confirm Do not validate is checked

    • Identity - enter your FULL Swarthmore email address

    • Password - enter your Swarthmore password

Android: Google Pixel 6 and 7 with Android 13

  1. On your Android device, swipe down twice to find the settings option.   

  2. Tap Settings, then Network & internet, then Internet.   

  3. Tap eduroam.  

  4. Tap EAP method, then select PEAP.    

  5. Tap Phase 2 authentication, then select MSCHAPV2.    

  6. Tap CA certificate, then select Use system certificates.    

  7. Tap Online Certificate Status, then select Do not verify.    

  8. Tap the line under Domain and enter

    picture of eduroam settings on android phoneImage Added
  9. Tap the line under Identity and enter your email address.    

  10. Tap the line under Password and enter your Swarthmore password.    

  11. Tap Connect at the bottom of the screen

ChromeOS Device Configuration

Chromebooks and other devices using the ChromeOS require additional configuration, similar to Android devices.

  1. When you attempt to connect to eduroam for the first time, ensure that the below options are configured. Leave all other options blank or with their default choices.

    • EAP - Choose PEAP

    • Phase 2 Authentication - Choose MSCHAPV2

    • CA Certificates - Confirm Unspecified is chosen

    • Identity - enter your FULL Swarthmore email address

    • Password - enter your Swarthmore email password

  2. Click Connect. You should be fully configured for eduroam on ChromeOS.


For connection problems, it may be helpful to delete the eduroam connection configuration on your device and re-add it.