Multi-Column Callout Pane

  1. Under the YOUR SITE - Site Administration dropdown, hover over Add new pane and select Multi-Column Callout to create a new pane.

  2. Provide a Title for the Multi-Column CalloutNote: This is used for internal purposes only and is not displayed to visitors.

  3. Optionally, add a short Label to give further context to the Multi-Column Callout.

  4. To create each of Items (Columns) that make up a Multi-Column Callout:

    1. Add the Image (landscape orientation is optimal).

      1. If your image has already been uploaded to the system:

        1. Click the File Browser tab to launch the browser pop-up window.

        2. Navigate to the file, clicking on the title to select it.

        3. Double click the title or use the Insert file button in the upper left.

        4. Enter Alternate text describing the contents of the image (used by screen readers, search engines, or when the image cannot be loaded).

    2. If you’re adding a new image to the system:

      1. Click the Choose File button to browse your local system for the file, select it, and click the Upload button.

      2. Enter Alternate text describing the contents of the image (used by screen readers, search engines, or when the image cannot be loaded).

    3. Provide a Title (this will appear as black text).

    4. Provide a Subtitle (this will appear above the title as red text).

    5. Optionally, provide a Call to Action Link that's related to this specific Item (Column) in order to drive traffic to some part of your site.

    6. Optionally, check the Open URL in a New Window.

  5. Optionally, provide a Call to Action Link that relates to the entire Multi-Column Callout in order to drive traffic to some part of your site.

  6. To place the newly created pane on your page:

    1. Click Arrange Panes.

    2. Click the little grey gear icon in the upper left-hand corner of the Additional Content region of your page, and then click Add content.

    3. Find and click on your newly created pane under Existing Site Panes > Multi-Column Callout Panes. You can now arrange the order of your panes by dragging and dropping the item. 

    4. Click Save to save a draft of your page. You can set the Moderation state to Published if you would like to publish the pane to your page.

Screenshot of Multi-Column Callout pane type

Screenshot of Multi-Column Callout pane type

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