Connecting Gradescope to Moodle

Gradescope is an service to make it easier to grade student work.  It is possible to connect Gradescope to Moodle in order to sync class rosters.  After making the connection, students can log into Gradescope via Moodle or directly on the Gradescope website.  See below for the basic setup instructions to link Gradescope and Moodle.  The Gradescope website has more detailed instructions: Using Gradescope with Moodle as an Instructor

On the Gradescope website, follow instructions for LTI 1.3 (not LTI 1.0 + API)

Set up the Gradescope activity in Moodle

  1. Go to your Moodle class page and

    Page lookup error: page "Moodle Home" not found.

    If you're experiencing issues please see our Troubleshooting Guide.

  2. Click Add an activity or resource
  3. Select Gradescope
  4. Give the activity a name (e.g. "Gradescope")
  5. Grade settings:
    1. If you don't want a Moodle gradebook entry for Gradescope, go to the Privacy section and uncheck Accept grades from the tool
    2. If you do want a Moodle gradebook entry for all Gradescope assignments, go to the Privacy section and make sure Accept grades from the tool is checked, then go to the Grade section and set up your grading preferences
  6. Go to the bottom of the page and click Save and return to course
  7. Click on the new Gradescope activity added to the class
  8. Select the option to link to A new gradescope course

Your Moodle course is now linked with Gradescope.  If you are ready to create an assignment, follow the prompts in Gradescope, otherwise, close the popup box and see instructions below to sync your Moodle roster to Gradescope.  

Sync Gradescope with Moodle class roster

  1. Click on the Gradescope activity in your Moodle course to go to your Gradescope course site.
  2. On the Gradescope left side menu, click Roster
  3. Click Sync Moodle Roster

    By default, Gradescope will send an email to all students added to the course.  You may want to uncheck this option.  

The roster does not update automatically.  Use the above process to re-sync the roster if students have added or dropped the course.  

The "Add Students or Staff" button can be used to manually add users to Gradescope

Linking Gradescope Grades to Moodle

If you would like to one Gradescope grade entry in the Moodle gradebook, set up a single Gradescope activity in Moodle and add all your individual assignments in Gradescope.  Configure the Gradescope activity in Moodle to accept grades from Gradescope.  

If you would like individual Gradescope assignments to have entries in the Moodle gradebook, create the main Gradescope activity in Moodle and do not accept grades from Gradescope or have a Moodle gradebook entry.  Then create a separate Gradescope Moodle activity for each assignment and configure the activity to accept grades from Gradescope.  Link each activity to a separate Gradescope assignment. 

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