Padlet is a website that makes it easy to create an online bulletin board for instructors and students to share text and pictures in a variety of formats.
Instructors can create a Padlet at and then share a link to the Padlet within Moodle to give all enrolled students access.
After creating the Padlet, follow the instructions below to add the Padlet link to Moodle:
- Within Padlet, click on Share (top right) and select Add to your LMS as an external tool.
- Copy the content of the Custom parameters section that starts "public_key=" by clicking the pink Copy button
- In Moodle, add a new External Tool activity, give it a name (e.g. "Padlet"), and select Padlet from the list of Pre-configured tools.
- Click on the Show More link in the General section of the External Tool setup, and scroll down to the Custom Parameters box.
- Paste the copied text into the Custom Parameters section of the Moodle External tool configuration.
- Save the Moodle activity
The result is a link in Moodle to the Padlet.