Installation Instructions
To install Mathematica, you will need an activation key from Wolfram Research, the makers of Mathematica. To obtain a key:
- Click to go to the Wolfram Mathematica User Portal
- Create a new Wolfram account or log in with your existing account. Use your Swarthmore e-mail address when prompted for your e-mail.
- Fill out the Activation Key Request Form. Select the single machine option and your choice of version.
- After you submit the form, you will receive an activation key (a copy will also be emailed to you).
- Continue to the Product Summary Page and fill out the form to register your copy of Mathematica.
- After submitting the product registration form, download Mathematica on the next page (at the bottom).
- Run the installer. When you start Mathematica you will be prompted to enter the activation key you received via email.