What is Panopto?
Panopto is our cloud based video streaming and lecture capture system that makes it easy to stream, record, and share videos. Panopto can capture your screen, audio, and/or video from web-cams and other devices to record live lectures, student or guest presentations, demonstrations, and/or supplemental materials. You can also upload any previously created video to Panopto to be shared via link or embedded into any web page, including Moodle.
Panopto is available online at panopto.swarthmore.edu (login required). The Panopto software is installed on all the classroom computers on campus. You can also download it to your own computer.
Panopto with Moodle
Using Panopto with Moodle
Panopto can be integrated with Moodle so that your videos can automatically upload to your course and be viewed by your students. Instructions for adding Panopto into your Moodle course can be found in our Moodle documentation.
Why use Panopto?
Our new Panopto video platform can be used to:
Record your lectures so that students can view them later
Record supplemental material to be viewed before class
Record guest lecturers
Upload and embed videos into your Moodle page
What can I record with Panopto?
PowerPoint/ Keynote Slides
Panopto can record your PowerPoint/keynote for viewers to later search by keywords that are timestamped to find any text in your slide. Click or search for any text in a PowerPoint/keynote and you will be taken to the point in the recording where it’s mentioned.
Most classroom computers have a built-in camera and microphone. For better audio/video quality you can use an external USB microphone and USB web-cam. Contact Classroom and Conferencing Technologies at 610-957-6201 or email avbox@swarthmore.edu to check out these items for loan.
Computer Screen
Panopto can record what shows on your computer screen. This is useful for showing material from a web-browser or other software outside of PowerPoint/Keynote ie: Google Slides, Prezi.
Other Panopto features include:
Upload previously recorded video to your video folder to share via link or embed in webpage
Auto-caption or send us a caption request for your videos
Video analytics
Need more help? Here is a video showing what you need before you get started with Panopto.
If you have any questions, contact Classroom and Conferencing Technologies at 610-957-6201 or email avbox@swarthmore.edu