H5P Student and Teacher View

Student view

Students click on the H5P icon in the course to access it.

Depending on the H5P activity and teacher's settings, the activity may be gradable. Students can see their attempts from the View my attempts link top right.

In the attempts report, the success column reports when the student has obtained 100% in the activity. The completion column reports whether the student went through the H5P content to the end. (The attempts report only displays data from the H5P content - there is no connection with the 'Grade to pass' activity setting nor with activity completion settings.)

Teacher view

Teachers can see all attempts by all users from the link above the activity. Note that the figure refers to the number of attempts, not to the number of students who have attempted the activity.


There are 4 capabilities relating to the H5P activity:

More information

Ways you can contact ITS or find information:

ITS Support Portal: https://support.swarthmore.edu
Email: support@swarthmore.edu
Phone: x4357 (HELP) or 610-328-8513
Check out our remote resources at https://swatkb.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/remote/overview
Check our homepage at https://swarthmore.edu/its