How to share your Google calendar

How to share your Google calendar

You can only share calendars you "own", meaning you must have sharing permissions for that calendar. You will always have sharing permissions for your main calendar, in which the title should be your name by default. You can create additional calendars that you can share or be invited to edit and manage calendars owned by others. For more information on sharing you can take a look at theĀ Google Documentation on sharing a calendar

Finding your calendar share settings

  1. Within Google Calendar, click on the gear icon on the top-right of the window.

  2. Click Settings, and you will automatically be in the General section of your calendar settings.

  3. In the list of settings on the left-hand side of the window, find Settings for my calendars.

  4. Click on the calendar you wish to share.

  5. A menu will open up under the name of the calendar you selected.

  6. The two sections you will need to manage sharing are Access permissions and Share with specific people.

Access Permissions

This section sets the overall permissions for your calendar. You can choose to make your calendar viewable to everyone at Swarthmore and manage what others see if you do so. You can always choose to make individual events on your Calendar more restricted, such as making them private.

  • Make available to public - NOT recommended

  • Make available for Swarthmore.edu - Optional

    • See only free/busy (hide details)

      • Will only allow Swarthmore.edu users to see blocks of time labeled "busy"

    • See all event details

      • Will allow Swarthmore.edu users to see details such as the title of the event, location, description, and potentially the guest list

  • Show calendar info in other Google apps, limited by access permissions - Recommended

    • This allows for calendar features in other Google apps, such as being able to see your calendar from within Gmail

Share with specific people

Here you will see a list of anyone you may have specifically shared your calendar with. You can add individuals by clicking on the "+ Add people" button, then enter their email address. You can add individuals that do not have a Swarthmore email address. You will have to assign each person/email you add a permissions level. Below are the different levels available and what they allow.

  • See only free/busy (hide details)

    • They will only see blocks of time labeled "busy"

  • See all event details

    • They will be able to see details such as the title of the event, location, description, and potentially the guest list

  • Make changes to events

    • They will be able to add, delete, edit, and RSVP (on your behalf) to events on your calendar

  • Make changes and manage sharing

    • You cannot choose this option if the person does not have a Swarthmore email address

    • They will be able to add, delete, edit, and RSVP (on your behalf) to events on your calendar AND share your calendar and set permissions for others

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