Adobe Acrobat & Creative Cloud

Adobe Acrobat & Creative Cloud


PDF editor and Suite of creative software






Adobe Creative Cloud is available for download and use by faculty, staff, and students.


For new installations, visit adobe.com. Click Sign In at the upper right corner of the page.

Enter your Swarthmore email address (e.g. username@swarthmore.eduand click Continue. You will be redirected to the Swarthmore single sign-on page.     

Once logged in, choose Get App to install the Adobe app(s) you require.


Sign in to Adobe if it is already on your computer

Navigate to the Adobe Creative Cloud app to launch Creative Cloud Desktop.

Sign in using your Swarthmore email address. (e.g. username@swarthmore.edu)If you are presented with an option, choose Company or School Account.

Creative Cloud Desktop

Creative Cloud Desktop is where users can quickly launch, install, and update Adobe apps.

Device Activation Limit

Our Creative Cloud license only allows users to activate installed apps on two devices at a time. When you sign in to a device and Adobe detects that you have exceeded your device activation limit, you will be prompted with the message below.  To sign out of one of the other devices, click Sign out on the corresponding tile.

When you are signed out of the other device, click Continue.

The app will then launch on the new device.

Accessibility Features

Adobe Accessibility Features

Captions workflow in Premiere Pro

Acrobat DC Accessibility Checker