Perusall LTI 1.3 Roster Sync and Grade Sync
Roster Sync
Each time you launch Perusall from Moodle, a roster sync is run in the background. Any students that have added to your LMS course will be added to your Perusall course roster (under the Students tab), and any that have unenrolled will be removed from the course.
Grade Sync
If you would like to automatically sync the average of all Perusall assignments to a single gradebook column in Moodle, launch into Perusall, select Settings > scoring > Grade sync to LMS > Automatically sync students' average scores to LMS, and then click Save changes.
If you would like to sync individual assignment scores to multiple columns in the Moodle gradebook, launch into Perusall, select Settings > scoring > Grade sync to LMS > Automatically sync students' scores to LMS, and then click Save changes.
(For more info, see Grade sync in LTI 1.3.)
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