Station Number, Network Jacks and Faceplate Numbering

Station Number, Network Jacks and Faceplate Numbering

Wired ethernet network connections are available in most rooms on campus in the form of a dedicated faceplate on the wall.

The faceplates are similar in size to an electrical outlet.

Here is an example of a faceplate.

Each faceplate is given a unique station number. The station number might look like 96B-25.

This example shows four connections, also called "jacks". Faceplates can have one or more jacks installed.

The individual jacks in the faceplate are numbered top to bottom starting with the leftmost column and working right.

In this example 96B-25-2 will describe the jack in the LOWER LEFT corner.

Jacks are not activated (connected to networking equipment) by default. Activations will usually be made in numerical order.

Behind each jack is a copper cable which is routed through the walls, ceilings, and floors to a wiring closet somewhere in the building.

At the wiring closet end of the cable is another jack with a matching label.

Activating a jack is done by connecting the closet jack to an interface on network equipment, usually ethernet switches.

The interface on a network switch is then configured to support the specific equipment being connected.

The network configuration to support a Phone is different from what is needed for a computer or a printer.

Some network connections are configured for Power Over Ethernet, POE.

POE is a way to provide low voltage power over networking cabling and is used to power devices like the desktop phones.

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