Customizing The Dash

The Dash has a number of options which allow you to customize the appearance and order of information that you see. 

Accessing Customization Options

All customization options are available from the Settings panel, which is triggered by clicking the gear iconat the bottom lefthand corner on desktop and in the main menu on mobile.





Available Customizations

Rearranging Sections

To move a section from its default order on the page, click the gear icon at the bottom of the lefthand navigation on desktop or the top of the main navigation on mobile to bring up the Settings panel (see above section for more details). From there, click the up or down arrow next to a section to move it in the page's order.

Hiding Sections

Only interested in seeing Menus and Events on your Dash? Or maybe just Transportation and Hours? Click the Hide Section button located next to a section’s heading to hide it from your Dash. You can also hide sections by clicking the hide/show Eye icon next to the section title on the Settings modal window. To restore a section, click on the Manage Hidden Sections button on desktop or the eye icon on mobile to bring up the Settings panel where you can click the hide/show eye button to the right of the section title.

Dark/Light Theme

To change the theme's color palette, click the gear iconat the bottom of the lefthand navigation on desktop or the top of the main navigation on mobile to bring up the Settings panel and toggle the theme switch to flip between light and dark modes. If you have set your device's operating system's default theme to dark mode, the Dash will recognize this preference and automatically set the theme to dark. 

Resetting Customizations

The Dash will automatically save your settings and continue to present you with your customized order and theme until you reset your settings by clicking the blue Reset Settings button at the bottom of the Settings panel. Since the Dash saves these settings locally on your computer or phone's browser (without having to login or create an account), the sort and theme customizations that you make on your various devices will be specific to those devices. (For example, you may choose to hide every section except Menus on your mobile device's version of Chrome while leaving the default options in place on your laptop's version of Chrome). 

Logging in

The login button at the bottom of the lefthand navigation or the top of the main navigation on mobile is for editors who have administrative access to edit/add hours information and other content to the Dash. Regular users of the Dash do not need to login in order to use or customize the Dash. For more information about editing parts of the Dash, visit the editing hours and editing menus sections.

Other Features

Jumping to Sections (Mobile)

On mobile, use the Jump to Section menu on the top left beneath the main navigation to quickly jump to a section on the Dash. If you have hidden sections on the Dash, you will only see the sections that have not been hidden.

Filtering Content

Many of the sections on the Dash have filters to refine the type of information that you see. For instance, the Around Campus section, which pulls together news sources from around the College, can be filtered by feed source, while the Events section can be filtered by event organizer (among other options).

Filter past 3 days of Around Campus articles by feed source

Filter next 30 days of Events by organizer

Filter past 3 days of Around Campus articles by feed source

Filter next 30 days of Events by organizer



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