LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning


Online video courses





All students, faculty, and staff at Swarthmore have access to a large library of video courses covering many different areas of study.  You can access LinkedIn Learning by going to linkedin.swarthmore.edu.

LinkedIn Learning was originally called Lynda.com

Logging In to LinkedIn Learning

The first time you log into LinkedIn Learning, you will be asked if you want to link it to your personal LinkedIn account. There are reasons why you may want (or not want) to do this which are discussed in the next section. Whether you link your account or not, it will affect how you log in going forward.

If you choose not to link your account you will simply go to linkedin.swarthmore.edu and login with your usual Swarthmore credentials.

If you do choose to link your account, you will still need to log in with your Swarthmore credentials, but then you will be prompted to log in to your LinkedIn account using the email address and password you use to access your personal LinkedIn account. You will need to complete this two-step login every time you log into LinkedIn Learning.

Due to the fact that LinkedIn Learning allows you to log in using your Swarthmore credentials (using our SSO, or Single Sign-On, system), if you are logged into another Swarthmore service that uses this system and you go to linkedin.swarthmore.edu you may automatically be passed through the Swarthmore login step - meaning you may not need to log in with your Swarthmore credentials. If you have your accounts linked, you may be automatically taken to the second login screen (the LinkedIn account login) if this happens.

Linking to your LinkedIn Account

When you log in to LinkedIn Learning for the first time you will be given the opportunity to link your Learning account to your LinkedIn account (if you have one).  For those without a (personal, non-Swarthmore) LinkedIn account, you may create a profile at this point.

You may choose not to link them, and still have the opportunity to do so later. You may also choose to link them, and still have the ability to unlink later, as well.

If you DON’T link your accounts

  • You will be prompted to fill in the basic information for a LinkedIn Learning profile

  • You can choose a series of interests that will help promote videos you may be interested in

  • You will NOT be able to keep video course certificates you earn if you move on from Swarthmore

If you DO link your accounts

  • You will be able to add any video course certificates you earn to your LinkedIn profile and take them with you if you move on from Swarthmore

  • Your LinkedIn Learning account will be auto-populated with basic information

  • LinkedIn Learning will be able to use information such as your job title, industry, and listed skills to help promote videos and subjects you might be interested in

  • Future logins will have you sign in with your Swarthmore username and password, then sign in using the email/username and password of your LinkedIn account

Privacy Information

You may still have questions about who can see what kinds of information. Please check out LinkedIn’s Privacy Information documentation for a detailed look into what Swarthmore and your LinkedIn network will or will not be able to see regarding your information and activity.

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