Domain of One's Own: WordPress Add New Users
Login to your WordPress admin page on your website. You can do this by adding /wp-admin/ to the end of your website's URL address. For example,
This will bring you to the WordPress login screen. If you forgot your password, you can click Lost Password to reset it.
Now that you’re in the WordPress dashboard, click on Users in the left sidebar.
Click Add New towards the top left-hand side
This will take you to the Add New User screen. Enter a username and email address for your new user.
WordPress will randomly generate a password for new users or you can create your own to be sent to them. However, please do not share your personal password.
Keep the Send User Notification checked if you would like the new user to receive an email with their login information.
Choose the desired user role for your new user.
Click the Add New User button.
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