How to check who has shared surveys with you as a collaborator

How to check who has shared surveys with you as a collaborator

When you log into Qualtrics, click on the Main Menu (3 horizontal lines next to the letters XM in the upper left corner of the window), and select Projects.


Qualtrics Projects item in Main Menu
Projects link in Main Menu


First, if you look at your projects list, one of the columns is “Owner” which will tell you immediately whether you “own” a particular survey, or it was shared with you by someone else.

Secondly, for a bit more information, within the Projects window, you should see an item “Shared with me” as the second row, under Starred. Click the disclosure triangle to reveal the names of folks who have shared surveys with you as a collaborator.


Qualtrics Shared with me sub-menu in Projects page
Shared with me item in Projects screen (closed)


If any of those names are no longer Swarthmore affiliated persons, please carefully check the surveys they have shared with you to make sure you will not lose any data if their accounts (and the associated surveys they “own”) are deleted.

NOTE: Qualtrics accounts are deleted after someone has been gone from Swarthmore College for a year.

In all Swarthmore College accounts, there will be a Swarthmore Qualtrics item with some College Template surveys for you to copy, if needed.



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