Media Center Hours & Scheduling the Space

Media Center Hours & Scheduling the Space

How do I get in after hours?

We are open from 1pm - 11pm Sunday, 9:00am - 11pm Monday - Thursday, 9:00am - 5pm Friday, and 1pm - 5pm Saturday. If you need access beyond those hours, please email a request to Michael Jones (mjones1@swarthmore.edu) or Jeremy Polk (jpolk1@swarthmore.edu) with the duration for which you’ll need access and the reason (class, independent project, etc.) Faculty and staff already have 24/7/365 access with their ID cards.  There is a swipe panel to the left of the doors. Testing it while the Media Center is open doesn't work...  Check with Mike or Jeremy if you have questions or concerns. One common student ID issue is using the wrong ID card, if you've replaced and then found your original card.  Only the latest card will work.  Faculty need to have a current ID card for this system to work for them.

Isn’t the building locked after 10pm?

Public Safety leaves the quad-facing (accessible) door open at all times for both Art studio and Media Center student access.  If it’s not open, please call public safety to let you in. Expect them to ask for ID.  Please let us know if you run into this problem.

Can I hold my class in here?  Doesn’t the Registrar schedule this room?

If the room is available and your class will use the technology of the Media Center, then we'd like to welcome you to teach here.  The Registrar does NOT schedule the Media Center, you'll need to talk with Michael Jones (mjones1@swarthmore.edu) or Jeremy Polk (jpolk1@swarthmore.edu) to arrange a time. Space is available on a first come, first serve basis. Any class using the Media Center must continue to allow walk-in access to unused computers, printers and the dub rack during class, since this is an open facility.

Do I have to let people in when I’m teaching here?

Yes, being an open facility is one of our primary guiding principles in the Media Center. One of the conditions to using the Media Center for your classes is that it must be maintained as an open resource for faculty, staff and students.

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Ways you can contact ITS or find information:

ITS Support Portal: https://support.swarthmore.edu
Email: support@swarthmore.edu
Phone: x4357 (HELP) or 610-328-8513
Check out our remote resources at https://swatkb.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/remote/overview
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