3D Software
The list below includes a number of programs for 3D modeling and animation. Select programs have been installed at the Media Center, others are simply free or low-cost recommendations and may not be available on college computers.
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Sketchup - Cross platform. The basic version is free and online only.
VectorWorks and TurboCAD are mid-range 3D CAD programs that have Mac and Windows versions. ITS doesn't have licenses, but they are an option for higher-end Mac 3D CAD.
BIM—Building Information Modeling
Rhino 3D Design. Available on Swarthmore Lab computers. One copy purchased by the Art department and is installed on the Media Center computers.
Grasshopper is a visual rendering application by the same company that created Rhino.
Free for small companies > 100k and hobbyists
CAM features
Mac and Windows Compatible
Basic Simulation software
Good mesh modeling
More intuitive than programs like Solidworks
Cloud based
Import objects from McMaster Carr
Graphics, Animation, and Sculpting
Mudbox from AutoDesk - digital painting and sculpting software
Anarkik Cloud9 - for artists, includes haptic feedback device. ~$800
Maya-Alias System Corp owned by Auto Desk, works on Windows, Mac and Linux.
Used for Video game production, animation Visual effects and more
Industry Standard for large studio production
Good for scripting language, MEL, Python
Good animation, rendering.
Open source
Works on Windows, Mac and Linux
Used for Animation, video Games, Visual effects, etc
Works on Mac, Windows, Linux
3Ds Max-Same rendering engine as Maya
Slightly easier for Modeling
Also used for large scale production
Only work with windows
netfabb Studio Basic - free cross-platform program to repair problems with STL files.
MeshLab - open source cross-platform program "providing a set of tools for editing, cleaning, healing, inspecting, rendering and converting this kind of meshes." Can convert OBJ files to STL files.
Smustard has Sketchup scripts to clean up models for printing
SketchUp: There is a plug-in required for creating stl files. It is also possible to upload files to SketchUp's online 3D Warehouse and check a box to optimize the file for printability. This will correct problems with the file that could affect 3D printing.
3D Model Repositories
Thingiverse - has a huge number of user-contributed downloadable models
Sketchup has a large 3D warehouse of models people have contributed
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